- Just A Quick Pinch
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- YOU MADE IT! Ok quick make yourself comfy
YOU MADE IT! Ok quick make yourself comfy
*hands cup of tea*
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SIGNING UP for the Just A Quick Pinch Weekly Email Newsletter (whew say that 5x fast)
I haven’t figured out yet how to make the background of these emails a pretty pink or sunny yellow, so for now we’ll have to manage with the white and black text. But don’t worry this email newsletter will indeed be filled with photos (sick memes) and other fun visuals. Every week you’ll be getting my top tips on jokes/phrases that help when you’re stuck in a pinch/awkward situation, advice on becoming the best provider you can be, and documenting my deepest darkest flops that keep me up at night in the hopes that you can learn from me and do better lol.
I started this newsletter bc truthfully, I feel the most connected to you when I’m able to write to you and express everything complex that goes into being a young woman in healthcare. And what better way to do that than being smack dab in between an ad from Bath and Body Works half off candles and Abercrombie 20% off sale!!!!
All jokes aside, if you ever miss an email, check spam bc spam is a bitch. Esp when mercury is in retrograde.
That’s all for now but if you have any questions you know where to find me!! (on the couch binging reality TV)
xoxo, talk soon! Connie